S.P. Anand & Co. has its name since the last 25 years. The founder of the
Company Mr. S.P.Anand was a well known lawyer and a lecturer in one of the top
most law colleges in Pune “ILS LAW College”. He is not only known in India but
also abroad as one of the best lecturers and a leading and reputed Lawyer in
The office
is run by the daughter of the founder Ms. Neha. S. Anand, Advocate BSL.LLB. Our office
is specialized in conducting and practicing in the Family, Criminal, Civil,
Consumer and Arbitrations litigations.
Our belief:
“Everyone has potential; you just have to
discover it”
Our objective is to make
available legal services which are affordable and hassle free. We strive to
provide our clients with economically feasible solutions, which includes, making
use of the latest technologies towards the daily affairs of each and every
matter. Hence we are accessible easily and most economically. The advent of the
Internet has made communication easier than ever before, allowing people around
the world to communicate efficiently and effectively. This in turn has allowed
us to introduce Net based tracking of all matters, helping the clients to track
daily updates in their respective matters.